Minister for Forests and Soil Conservation Agni Prasad Sapkota tabled the Bill Related to Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the Bill Related to Plant Resources for discussion in the Legislature-Parliament meeting on Tuesday.The meeting of the Legislature-Parliament rejected with majority the notice of objection on the bills presented before this by lawmakers Dilli Prasad Kafley, Prem Suwal and Anuradha Thapa Magar of Nepal Workers Peasants Party. Presenting the two bills in the parliament meeting, Minister Sapkota said the government was working with commitment to strength the economic status of the people through the commercial use of the flora and fauna apart from protecting them.He said the government is working in a planned manner for the promotion and conservation of the plant resources and that the plant resources should be used optimally for the economic development and prosperity.The Minister also stated that the government has pursued short-term, medium-term and long-term policies and programmes for the protection of the forest and wildlife. -
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