Youth's Participation For Development

Posted by Anup Baral September 10, 2016 : Over the years, there have been consistent debates on the emerging role of youths in development. This is because the challenges and opportunities in terms of their engagement are diverse in many societies. In this scenario, policymakers and planners need to realistically think of innovative ways to raise public awareness on both the relevance and significance of youth civic engagement and its potential benefits to the society at large. According to a recent report of State of World’s Population 2014, our world is home to 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24, and the youth population is growing fastest in the poorest nations. Within this generation are 600 million adolescent girls with specific needs, challenges and aspirations for the future. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that many of the countries with the largest portions of youth today are among the poorest in the world. However, they are also on the cusp of the demographic transition that can yield a demographic dividend. As we all know, transition begins as fertility and mortality rates start to fall, leaving fewer dependents. Thus, the dividend comes as resources are freed for economic development, and for greater per capita spending on higher quality health and education services. In our context, the population in the age group (16-40) is considered as the youth. According to the 2011 census, the youth population is 40.3% of the total population. Of this, 45.8% are males and 54.5% are females. The national youth policy 2010 has clearly envisioned the youth as a powerful change agent for development. No doubt that youths are significantly contributing to a range of social and political movements in the country.

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